
Sergio Iraeta

Representative in Argentina

Nicolas Bronzovich

Alternate Representative in Argentina

Argentina is one of the founding members of FONTAGRO in 1998 with a contribution of US$ 20 million. During the 22 membership years, Argentina has participated in 55 consortiums that represent approximately US$ 49.5 million, of which US$ 13.9 million were contributed by FONTAGRO and other agencies.
Argentina has led 24 of these consortiums for US$ 21.3 million. The projects in which Argentina has participated have included research and technological development in potatoes, corn, rice, fruit trees, alfalfa, wheat, management of natural resources, livestock, adaptation to climate change, among others.

Some important results:

  1. There were characterized wheat cultivars with resistance to Fusariosis, other hexaploid lines derived from synthetic wheats and varieties with high industrial quality.
  2. The “Frital INTA” variety of potato was released, disseminated among Argentine producers (more than 1000 ha), being used successfully by the industry.
  3. New varieties of sweet potato were developed for industrial use. Some of these sweet potato-based products were exported to Europe.
  4. A model was developed to estimate animal load in pastures and its temporal variation, which was validated for the management of forage resources in more than four million hectares.


  1. The platforms increased the efficiency and effectiveness of research and innovation, strengthening the capacities of researchers.
  2. Technical, organizational and institutional strengthening at national and international level.
  3. Access to partnerships for projects with the International Center for the Improvement of Maize and Wheat (CIMMYT), the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), Washington State University (USA), Purdue University (USA), the Department of Ecological Modeling (Germany), Institute National des Sciences
    Appliquées de Lyon (France), Neiker (Spain), University of Lleida (Spain), Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (New Zealand), INIFAP (Mexico), EMBRAPA (Brazil), INIA (Chile) and the Catholic University of Chile (Chile).
    Through these, access was gained to multiple international cooperation networks such as the Global Alliance on Climate Change, where 41 countries participate worldwide, and the CGIAR.
  4. FONTAGRO projects generate privileged and free access to technologies, contacts, publications, case studies and international networks


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