By Comunicaciones

This webinar, led by FONTAGRO, the Colombian Corporation of Agricultural Research (AGROSAVIA) – Colombia, Zamorano University (ZAMORANO) – Honduras, Technical University of Manabí (UTM) – Ecuador, the Association of Users of the RUT Irrigation District (ASORUT) – Colombia, and VISUALITI – Colombia, aims to present the innovative project “Tropical Agriculture 4.0: Efficient Water Resource Management”:

This joint effort seeks to transform the way water is used in agriculture in countries such as Colombia, Ecuador, and Honduras, addressing the challenge of inefficient water use that has prevailed in the agricultural sector. The project focuses on four key crops: avocado, cacao, Tahiti lime, and papaya. An irrigation program tailored to the specific needs of each crop will be provided, thanks to the use of advanced technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT).

The event will take place on Friday, November 15, at 10:00 AM (Eastern Time, Washington DC).

To register for this free-access webinar, please visit:




FONTAGRO was created 1998 with the purpose of promoting the increase of the competitiveness of the agri-food sector, ensuring the sustainable management of natural resources and the reduction of poverty in the region. The objective of FONTAGRO is to establish itself as a sustainable financing mechanism for the development of agricultural technology and innovation in Latin America and the Caribbean and Spain, and to establish a forum for the discussion of priority topics of technological innovation. The member countries are: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Spain, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Venezuela. In the last 21 years 167 regional agricultural innovation platforms have been co-financed for an amount of US $ 124 million, which has reached 452 institutions and 33 countries worldwide.