Washington D.C., 2 October 2017 (IICA). On September 22, 2017, IICA´s Delegations of Canada, Mexico and United States, in collaboration with IICA´s Flagship project on “Competitiveness and sustainability of agricultural […]
During the mission, DICTA and IHCAFE signed an agreement aimed at carrying out a regional project to combat coffee berry borer insects. Photo: Engineer Armando Bustillo, President of FONTAGRO; Hugo […]
Maria Teresa Pino visited FONTAGRO. The researcher, who obtained our Excellence Award 2014, is the coordinator of the National Food Program for INIA Chile. Washington DC, December 8, 2016.– On […]
Projects to improve productivity and access to markets for small producers are submitted. (Washington, D.C., Monday, October 17, 2016) Today FONTAGRO announced the winning projects of its 2016 Call for […]
Government authorities from New Zealand visited FONTAGRO to discuss projects involving adaptation to climate change. Mr. Mark Sinclair, Climate Change Ambassador, and representatives from New Zealand’s Embassy in Washington D.C. […]
The project is aimed at contributing toward the rural development of Gran Chaco Americano (Argentina, October 7, 2016) On October 5 and 6, a workshop was carried out at INTA […]
FONTAGRO’s incorporation into the Alliance was approved during the GRA’s Council meeting in Mexico. (Washington, D.C., October 12, 2016) During the Global Research Alliance (GRA) on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases Council […]
During the Twentieth Annual Meeting of FONTAGRO’s Board of Directors in Buenos Aires, the positions of president and vice president were renewed. (Buenos Aires, October 4, 2016) During the Twentieth […]
A mission carried out by FONTAGRO and FLAR/CIAT assessed the possibility of scaling up this project, which won FONTAGRO’s 2015 Contest for Successful Cases. (Washington, D.C., September 26, 2016) From […]
External Publications
The generation of innovations has traditionally been attributed to research organizations while the farmer’s own potential for the development of innovative solutions has largely been neglected. However, producers are by […]