
José Villarreal

Representative in Panama

Panama has been member of FONTAGRO since its creation in 1998 with a contribution of US$ 5.0 million. During the 22 years of membership, Panama has participated in consortia 32 times, for a total amount of US$ 29.2 million, of which US$ 9.9 million were contributed by FONTAGRO and other agencies. Panama has led 6 consortiums with US$ 5.2 million. The projects have included research and technological development on climate change, rice, potatoes, corn, beans, coffee, bananas and livestock, among others.

Some important results:

  1. Three varieties of coffee hybrids were developed (Central American, Millennium and Cassiopeia) whose productivity exceeds by more than 30 % the commercial varieties grown today, and which also have organoleptic qualities similar to the best traditional varieties and are more adaptable to diverse altitudes.
  2. Systems for potato production have been developed using tissue culture, aeroponic and autotrophichydroponic systems, which improves the productivity of this crop.
  3. Predatory mites were identified that can be used as biological controllers of pests in the production of rice, which will contribute to the more sustainable management of the crop, reducing pesticide applications and lowering production costs.
  4. New information was contributed to the progress curve of the Sigakota Negra of plantain, which will improve the decision making on the most efficient management of the crop.
  5. In all the projects, numerous technicians and agricultural producers have been trained in the different technologies generated, which contributes to the training of capacities for the management of these important crops.



  1. The platforms increased the efficiency and effectiveness of research and innovation, strengthening the capacities of researchers.
  2. Technical, organizational and institutional strengthening at national and international level.
  3. Access to partnerships for projects with leading institutions such as CIP, CIMMYT, CIAT, Bioversity, CATIE, PROMECAFE, SICTA-IICA, IRD-France, CORPOICA-Colombia, INIA-Chile, INTA-Argentina, and many other Central American institutions and the Caribbean. Through these, we have also obtained access to multiple international cooperation networks such as the Latin Potato Network where institutions from more than 11 countries participate at a global level, PROMECAFE in the Central American area, the CGIAR networks, etc.
  4. The FONTAGRO projects generate privileged and free access to technologies, contacts, publications, case studies and international networks.



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