Extraordinary Call
USD 58.645
Counterpart Amount:
USD 235.748
Execution time
24 Months
Total Amount:
USD 394.393
Participating countries:
United States United States Costa Rica Costa Rica Nicaragua Nicaragua
Funding source:
FONTAGRO Amount 15% Other agencies 25% Counterpart Amount 60%

Executive Summary

Irrigation is the source of biological contamination of lettuce produced by conventional agriculture, where drip irrigation is suitable so that water does not contact the leaves. 90% of the lettuces grown organically in the open air had slugs, controllable with traps based on an attractant. The analysis of chemical residues on the leaves showed 48% positive samples. Although 92% of them were below the permitted level, 8% had oxamyl which is highly toxic. 90% of the lettuces with chemical residues come from the traditional crop. The use of pesticides can be reduced with sclerotinia control practices, the use of yellow sticky screens and planting in tunnels with seedling separation to reduce damage caused by Xantomonas sp, crop rotation to control nematodes, biological pest control, the use of organic fertilizers free of human pathogens, the use of biodegradable plastic covers to avoid contamination and drip fertigation. In tomato, the practices used by farmers were identified, the relationship between agricultural management, irrigation and fruit contamination with human pathogenic microorganisms was evaluated, cultivation, irrigation and occupational hygiene practices that reduce contamination were validated, it was shown that 50% of water sources analyzed have E. coli levels higher than the permissible ones, and the pathogens that cause disease in humans were identified. 

The technological solution

The technological solution consists of a series of crop, irrigation and post-harvest management practices aimed at reducing and eliminating biological and chemical contamination of horticultural production.  The production sector of reference is that of lettuce and tomato production in Costa Rica and Nicaragua. The technology is based on integrated pest management, modification of irrigation systems and reduction of pesticide use. The final benefits will be for consumers who will have access to healthier products. 


The project has produced evidence of the lack of safety of lettuces and tomatoes produced by traditional agriculture, which have a high load of biological and chemical contaminants, harmful to the health of consumers. The main sources of contamination are irrigation water and excessive applications of agrochemicals. It has also produced information and recommendations on cultivation and handling practices that help reduce the contaminant load on products. 


The immediate beneficiaries are the research and extension agencies of the participating countries, while in the long term and after a process of dissemination and adoption, the direct beneficiaries will be the producers and consumers of the region who will have safe and healthy products. 

Sustainable Development Goals

Zero Hunger

Main donors

Participating Organizations

  • TAMU - Estados Unidos
  • MAG - Costa Rica
  • Instituto Nicaragüense de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA) - Nicaragua

Graphics and data

Financing by country (in USD)
Costa RicaNicaraguaUnited States025.00050.00075.000100.000125.000150.000175.000200.000225.000
FONTAGRO Amount Other agencies Counterpart Amount

Geolocated Map


Project leader Costa Rica

Bernardo Mora Brenes


Marvín Sarria

With the support of
Fondo Coreano de Alianza para el Conocimiento en Tecnología e Innovación (KPK)