Call for Proposals
USD 350.000
Counterpart Amount:
USD 418.052
Execution time
36 Months
Total Amount:
USD 768.052
Participating countries:
Colombia Colombia Bolivia Bolivia Ecuador Ecuador Peru Peru Venezuela Venezuela
Funding source:
FONTAGRO Amount 46% Other agencies 0% Counterpart Amount 54%

Executive Summary

The project constitutes a regional experiment to validate and enrich experiences in participatory research with small farmers. Producers are the central axis in all processes, from prioritization, formulation of problems to be solved, design of strategies and capacities to be strengthened, all with the support of the research entities. The key objective has been to encourage innovations in small farm communities through the development, adjustment and exchange of participatory technologies and methodologies that contribute to improving their quality of life. 

Activities included processes of innovation in banana production systems in Ecuador and Colombia, papaya in Peru, vegetables in Venezuela and potato in Bolivia. Among the lessons learned are: 

  •  The exchange of experiences allows for a significant flow of knowledge and mutual support. 
  •  Interdisciplinary work is essential to achieve the expected results and impacts. 
  • To strengthen families' reasoning and decision-making skills, a number of specific capacities must be part of the exchange and training activities: observation, information recording, analysis, identification and adjustment of objectives and evaluation. 
  • The use of participatory research and innovation methodologies encourages small producers to learn and experiment with new production alternatives. 

The technological solution

The technological solution of this Project is based on processes guided by nature: development, evaluation and scaling within the communities of new environmentally friendly production options, in particular biocontrollers, biofertilizers, biofungicides and biopesticides. These actions were complemented by training and exchanges of knowledge and experiences on how to manage the production, storage and distribution of new products, that is, the development of small-scale business skills. Last but not least, the work to produce and distribute quality and clean seed in the communities needs to be highlighted. 


 Outstanding project results can be summarized as follows: 

  •  Definition of protocols and scaling-up of technologies for the production of high quality seeds. 
  • Development, adjustment and exchange of technologies for local scaling-up of organic bio-fertilizers, including the selection, isolation, and multiplication of microorganisms with biofertilizing potential (mycorrhizae). 
  •  Development, adjustment and exchange of technologies for the local scaling of bio-pesticides. Two native strains of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria basssiana were isolated and purified. 
  • Characterization, improvement and dissemination of participatory research methodologies, as well as development and adjustment of business organization schemes geared to local communities. 
  • Training activities in production and scaling-up of bio-fertilizers and organic fertilizers, clean seed production, production and scaling of bio-pesticides, personal growth strategies, exchange of experiences on participatory research, integrated crop management and innovation processes at the local level. 


The Project directly involved a total of 389 producers and their families in all processes, including definition of limiting factors, establishment of priorities, objectives and activities, analysis and conclusions derived from the various initiatives. Indirectly, other beneficiaries, such as local authorities, technicians and professionals from different organizations, were exposed to new approaches and knowledge. 

Sustainable Development Goals

No poverty Responsible consumption and production Partnerships for the goals

Main donors

Participating Organizations

  • Corporación para el Desarrollo Participativo y Sostenible de los Pequeños Productores Rurales (PBA) - Colombia
  • Fundación para la Promoción e Investigación de Productos Andinos (PROINPA) - Bolivia
  • Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (CORPOICA) - Colombia
  • Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIAP) - Ecuador
  • Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria (INIA) - Perú
  • Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas (INIA) - Venezuela

Graphics and data

Financing by country (in USD)
FONTAGRO Amount Other agencies Counterpart Amount

Geolocated Map


Project leader Colombia

Santiago Perry


Genaro Aroni


Mirian Gallardo


Silvestre Fernandez


José Antonio Salas


Ivan Garzon


Danilo Vera Coello


José Castro


Roberto Gonzalez

With the support of
Fondo Coreano de Alianza para el Conocimiento en Tecnología e Innovación (KPK)