Implementation Strategy GCyC
Executive Summary
FONTAGRO has the opportunity to work as part of a network and in collaboration with its member institutions, partners, and sponsors to generate synergies and strengthen the dissemination of results from funded projects. An analysis has identified recurring challenges and obstacles in knowledge sharing, emphasizing the need for a continuous effort to build the capacity of researchers, in particular their research and project support teams.
FONTAGRO has invested in capacity-building activities, including various virtual courses, to equip researchers with the tools to develop competitive proposals in FONTAGRO's calls for projects.
FONTAGRO is constantly working to position its new vision, as established in the Medium-Term Plan 2015-2020 and currently in the Medium-Term Plan 2020-2025. Visibility has been reinforced with the general public through traditional media channels and innovative platforms like social media to showcase institutional content and project activities and results. Knowledge products, both internal and collaborative, as well as messages from FONTAGRO, require continuous and broader dissemination efforts, along with coordination for content generation and dissemination procedures.
It is noteworthy that 2018 marked the 20th anniversary of FONTAGRO. This event provided an opportunity to highlight key milestones, its evolution, innovations, impact, and future vision, thus consolidate its desired position and increase visibility.
The objective of this project is to contribute to increasing the visibility of FONTAGRO and the results of co-funded projects while consolidating knowledge management with its member countries.
The technological solution
Develop technological tools to digitize information from FONTAGRO projects and increase visibility.
Several outcomes have been achieved in this project, including:
1. Analysis of the capacities of FONTAGRO member institutions and potential inter-institutional and inter-regional synergies, which will be crucial for the strategic development of Knowledge Management and Communications (GCyC) in the coming years.
2. Project information is now available on the digital platform, forming part of the technical and financial database. Tools such as FONTAGRO Tech, posters, web stories, and databases of participating researchers have been developed, exceeding 1000 records.
3. GCyC workshops were conducted with delegates from institutions and recognized professionals from universities and international organizations.
4. A course on the preparation of competitive profiles for regional research and innovation projects in agriculture was conducted in collaboration with the University of Lleida. Additionally, a course on the preparation and publication of scientific papers was conducted with FAUBA.
5. Two FONTAGRO videos (institutional and project-related), 12 press releases disseminated, and at least 2 web stories published online.
6. Commemorative event for FONTAGRO's 20th anniversary, along with a publication.
The beneficiaries are researchers and institutions from the member countries of FONTAGRO.
Sustainable Development Goals

Participating Organizations