Call for Proposals
USD 250.000
Counterpart Amount:
Other agencies
Total Amount:
USD 250.000
Participating countries:
Costa Rica Costa Rica Nicaragua Nicaragua
Funding source:
FONTAGRO Amount 100% Other agencies 0% Counterpart Amount 0%

Executive Summary

 Deforestation and irrational use of forest resources threaten the genetic diversity of many medicinal plants whose potential is unknown. The genus Smilax is an example of this situation and this project contributes to the valuation of the forest as a productive system and to its sustainable management. Based on collections and nurseries, the taxonomy, ecology, chemical composition, transformation and market of Smilax species and their commercial potential for introduction into agroforestry systems were studied. The wild groups located in several areas are not very dense, and it is necessary to promote the renewal of natural populations and the domestication of materials to supply productive processes. Sexual propagation is feasible but erratic and seed germination is slow, although the collection of germinated seedlings around wild mother plants is a valid practice for domestication and repopulation. Advances were made in asexual reproduction techniques and pilot crops were established for multiplication from rhizomes. In vitro multiplication of rhizome producing species was initiated and progress was made in the chemical analysis of active ingredients. Although the validation of productive alternatives is a long process due to the growth cycle of the trees, observation plots were established with the participation of producers.  

The technological solution

The technological solution is based on the knowledge of the taxonomy, morphology, phenology, reproductive capacity and biochemical properties of the different species of the genus Smilax in several natural and agroforestry ecosystems in the region. The reference systems are natural forests and agroforestry systems. The derived technology is that of rational management of the resource, with environmental, germplasm conservation and economic benefits. 


Taxonomic, morphological and phenological determinations of different species of the genus Smilax were completed.  This work allowed us to solve the main obstacle of the commercial use of the genus Smilax, which is its taxonomic identity. The information produced will allow to systematize growth predictions and formulate cultivation and management recommendations, both in agroforestry systems and in natural ecosystems, including the planning of appropriate seasons for the collection of seedlings in wild populations. The confirmation of the difficulties for massive sexual multiplication, mainly due to the low and slow germination of seeds, led to positive results in asexual propagation by means of cuttings and rhizomes, complemented by the development of in vitro propagation techniques.  As to biochemical characteristics, information on sub-chronic toxicity, antimicrobial properties and diuretic activity of commercial species of Smilax was obtained. 


The immediate beneficiaries are institutions dedicated to the management of natural forests and producers interested in the development of agroforestry systems including species with high commercial potential. The long-term benefits will be the conservation and protection of natural forests and increased diversity of profitable agroforestry systems.  

Sustainable Development Goals

No poverty

Main donors

Participating Organizations

  • Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE) - Costa Rica
  • Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR) - Costa Rica
  • TEC - Costa Rica
  • UNAN - Nicaragua

Graphics and data

Financing by country (in USD)
FONTAGRO Amount Other agencies Counterpart Amount

Geolocated Map


Project leader Costa Rica

Roger Villalobos

With the support of
Fondo Coreano de Alianza para el Conocimiento en Tecnología e Innovación (KPK)