Workshop on Weaning Practices in the Nehuen Co Community

Published at: 06 March 2025

Workshop with the Community and the technical team of the Rural Extension Agency of Ingeniero Jacobacci, on weaning practices in the Innovation Units of the Sáez and Aguilera Family in Chaiful.

In February, the first meeting for flock inspection was held, a key event for the management and improvement of livestock production. During the session, the flock structure was determined through dental examination, body condition and live weight were measured, and the average phenotype and health status of the different animal categories were evaluated.

As part of the activities, a follow-up was also conducted on good livestock practices with a focus on animal welfare, specifically recording weaning practices. These types of evaluations help improve livestock management quality and ensure better conditions for the animals.

The meeting is part of a series of periodic controls aimed at optimizing flock production and performance, ensuring adequate sanitary and productive standards for the livestock sector.

With the support of
Fondo Coreano de Alianza para el Conocimiento en Tecnología e Innovación (KPK)