REDICOA: A Community to Mitigate Coccidiosis in Family Poultry Farming

Published at: 12 September 2024

The Avian Coccidiosis Innovation Network connects producers, veterinarians, and researchers from Argentina and Chile in the fight against this disease, promoting agroecological solutions and strengthening family poultry farming.

Within the framework of the project “Agroecological model for coccidiosis in family poultry farming and innovation network”, aimed at mitigating the effects of coccidiosis in family poultry production, a collaborative network dedicated to this disease has been formed. The Poultry Coccidiosis Innovation Network (REDICOA) is made up of family poultry producers, professionals, and representatives of public and private institutions and universities in Chile and Argentina.

The main objective of REDICOA is to share and exchange innovations on coccidiosis in family farming, fostering participatory work, coordination, interaction, and synergy among all its members. This network is established as a community space where participants can enrich the project with their experiences and motivations.

REDICOA allows family farmers to consult on specific problems in their poultry houses, veterinarians and extension technicians to provide and access information and methods for coccidiosis control, and researchers to provide advances on the disease and the parasite that causes it, as well as to learn about the problems faced by farmers and the realities of the contexts and environmental conditions in which they work.

The project seeks to continue researching and sharing findings to provide knowledge to all stakeholders. To achieve this, a dissemination strategy has been designed and a digital space has been created, using channels such as WhatsApp, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), YouTube and Mailchimp.

REDICOA is defined as a “Learning Community”, whose main purpose is to promote poultry farming as a development tool in Latin America. The network seeks to contain innovations achieved in family agriculture with an agroecological approach, promoting dissemination, participatory work, coordination and interaction. It also facilitates the exchange of experiences and solutions, and promotes the model developed by IPVET - INTA Castelar.

The network is currently active and in a consolidation phase. Based on the results obtained, work will continue in a new phase to strengthen communication channels, expand the participant directory, and broaden the reach of communications.


With the support of
Fondo Coreano de Alianza para el Conocimiento en Tecnología e Innovación (KPK)