Baccharis salicifolia and Rhizophagus intraradices: A natural alliance against cadmium in cocoa

Published at: 10 September 2024

The high cadmium content in cocoa has been a significant concern for producers in Latin America and the Caribbean. With the European Union Regulation No. 488/2014, which sets strict limits on cadmium concentrations in cocoa-derived products, exports from countries like Ecuador, Brazil, and Peru have faced major challenges. This issue, which directly affects the competitiveness and sustainability of the cocoa industry, has driven the search for innovative and sustainable solutions.

A promising response to this challenge comes from the project "Bioprocess to Reduce the Solubility of Rhizospheric Cadmium," led by the Technical University of Manabí (UTM) in collaboration with the National Technological University (UTN) of Argentina, the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), and the Institute of Biodiversity and Experimental and Applied Biology (IBBEA) in Argentina, with financial support from FONTAGRO.

This project has demonstrated the potential of the symbiosis between the shrub Baccharis salicifolia and the fungus Rhizophagus intraradices to reduce the absorption and translocation of cadmium in cocoa plants.

Baccharis salicifolia and Rhizophagus intraradices: A Natural Solution

The project explores the use of Baccharis salicifolia, a plant known for its ability to accumulate cadmium. This shrub, which can grow up to 2 meters tall, is found in various regions of the Americas, including the southwestern United States, northwestern Mexico, Argentina, Ecuador, Venezuela, and Chile.

What’s innovative about this project’s approach is that by combining this plant with the mycorrhizal fungus Rhizophagus intraradices, with which it forms a symbiosis, cadmium accumulation in the tissues of Baccharis salicifolia doubled, effectively acting as a “vacuum cleaner” for this heavy metal.

This association between Baccharis salicifolia and Rhizophagus intraradices offers additional benefits: it promotes plant growth by fixing CO2, increases soil organic matter, and contributes to mitigating the greenhouse effect, which is a primary driver of climate change.

Next Steps and Expected Benefits

The project, which will run for 42 months, has already demonstrated the effectiveness of this “vacuum cleaner combination” in cadmium translocation from the roots to the leaves of cocoa plants.

The next step will be to assess its ability to translocate cadmium to the flowers and fruits of cocoa, using sunflower plants as a model.

In the upcoming stages, the team plans to test this system in the field, interspersing Baccharis salicifolia plants colonized by Rhizophagus intraradices with young cocoa trees in key production areas like Ecuador.

This approach not only has the potential to benefit over 3,000 farming families in Ecuador and Venezuela but could also open new commercial opportunities for small producers.

By offering an effective solution to reduce cadmium contamination in cocoa, farmers could market this strain mix to other producers, strengthening local economies and improving competitiveness in the international market.

A Collaborative Approach for Sustainable Impact

The success of this project lies in its comprehensive approach, which focuses not only on scientific research but also on direct collaboration with local communities and educational outreach.

With support from academic institutions and the active participation of farmers, the project aims to create a sustainable model that can be replicated in other regions affected by cadmium contamination.

The expected impact of this initiative is significant, not only in terms of reducing cadmium in cocoa but also in improving agricultural practices and resilience to climate change.

With an estimated 3,130 direct beneficiaries and 3,000 indirect beneficiaries, this project has the potential to transform the cocoa industry in Latin America, ensuring a more sustainable and competitive future for cocoa producers and exporters in the region.

With the support of
Fondo Coreano de Alianza para el Conocimiento en Tecnología e Innovación (KPK)