International Team Meeting to Advance the Development of the Project

Published at: 04 September 2024

In July 2024, research teams from Latin America and Spain met virtually to discuss critical advancements in our scientific project. This meeting strengthened international collaboration and marked significant milestones in the project's development.

Representing Latin America, María Luisa Izaguirre from the Technical University of Manabí, Adalgisa Scotti from the LBA at the National Technical University in the Regional Faculty of San Rafael, and Alicia Godeas from IBBEA at the University of Buenos Aires participated. From Spain, Inmaculada García Romera from the Zaidín Experimental Station (EEZ-CSIC) was in attendance.

The main objective of this meeting was to review recent progress, plan the project's next steps, and strengthen collaboration between the teams.

During the meeting, the advancements achieved to date were presented, key issues were discussed, and clear goals were set for the next quarter. The objectives to be developed in this period include:

  1. Sequencing of rhizospheric fungi isolated from soils.
  2. Use of cacao plants with the selected mix of fungi in bioreactors.
  3. Formation of alliances to achieve objectives: compiling a list of organizations, and planning specific future work with the network of women cacao producers in Venezuela.

This meeting has been a significant step forward in the development of our scientific project. The collaboration between the teams from Latin America and Spain continues to be essential for achieving our objectives and contributing to the advancement of knowledge in our field.

With the support of
Fondo Coreano de Alianza para el Conocimiento en Tecnología e Innovación (KPK)