FONTAGRO Project: Vertical Agriculture: Innovation for Horticulture in Latin America and the Caribbean.

FONTAGRO Project: Vertical Agriculture: Innovation for Horticulture in Latin America and the Caribbean, I have the pleasure of inviting you to Webinar No. 17 - FONTAGRO: Artificial Crop Lighting: LED Light Technology.
This first event led by FONTAGRO, the Institute of Agricultural Innovation of Panama - IDIAP, the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture - IICA, the National Institutes of Agricultural Technology (INTA) of Argentina and Costa Rica, the Colombian Agricultural Research Corporation - AGROSAVIA, on this occasion with the support of the Agroindustrial Production and Research Center of the Technological University of Panama, this space has the main objective of socializing how LED light technologies in agriculture have revolutionized the way in which crops are grown and produced. food.
The virtual event will take place next Friday, August 16 at 10:00 a.m. (Eastern time in the United States, Washington D.C.) and its schedule varies according to the areas, as detailed below:
- 08:00 a.m. (San José - Costa Rica)
- 09:00 a.m. (Panama City, Panama - Bogotá, Colombia)
- 11:00 a.m. (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
The link to register for this free event is available at:
The live streaming link of the webinar is: