Webinar: Geographical Indications, Towards Quality Differentiation and Territorial Valorization of Mesoamerican Cocoa

Published at: 21 June 2024

The webinar will focus on Geographical Indications as formal tools that can be implemented for differentiating the quality of cocoa through valuation that links territorial and biocultural aspects.

Don’t miss the Webinar: Geographical Indications, Towards Quality Differentiation and Territorial Valorization of Mesoamerican Cocoa! Friday, July 23 Time: 10:00 AM (Eastern Time, United States, Washington D.C.) Agenda:

  • Welcome by Dr. Carlos Eduardo Hernández, Leader of the FONTAGRO project “Geographical Indications for Cocoa in Mesoamerica,” and coordinating professor of the Program in Agri-food Quality and Innovation at the National University of Costa Rica (UNA).

  • Presentation 1: Chronology and genetic composition of cocoa plantations in Central America. Speaker: Dr. Wilbert Phillips-Mora, Cacao Plus Internacional, Costa Rica

  • Presentation 2: Quality profile and prestige associated with Mesoamerican cocoas. Speaker: M.Sc. Adriana Arciniegas, CATIE

  • Presentation 3: Geographical Indications as tools for territorial valorization of agri-food products: key aspects for implementation and sustainability. Speaker: Dr. Alfonso Ribas, Fundación Juana de Vega, Spain

Mesoamerica is a region of undeniable importance in the historical and cultural evolution of cocoa, playing a crucial role in today’s fine and aromatic cocoa market. Learn how geographical indications could promote origin appellations that contribute to the sustainable and participatory development of communities historically rooted in cocoa cultivation. We look forward to your participation! Live transmission via Zoom.

With the support of
Fondo Coreano de Alianza para el Conocimiento en Tecnología e Innovación (KPK)