A webinar session was held on October 25, 2023, with the participation of an expert on the subject, PhD. researcher Stephen McNeill, from Landcare Research in New Zealand.

A webinar was held with the participation of international guests, experts on the subject. The objective was to contribute to the development of a common protocol for monitoring changes in the organic carbon stock in soils in Latin America and the Caribbean. The presentations were given by PhD. researcher Stephen McNeill, who shared the experiences and work carried out at Landcare Research, in New Zealand. In the first presentation Dr. McNeill shared the methodology for the statistical design of soil sampling for the determination of soil organic carbon. In the second presentation, he focused on discussing the design of a model of change in soil organic carbon content for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
The objectives of the seminar were met and very interesting exchanges were generated among the participants from the different countries.