Agricultural and Space Research Collaboration between Starlab, FONTAGRO, and The Ohio State University

Published at: 04 May 2024

The webinar titled "The Ohio State University (OSU), FONTAGRO, Latin American space agencies, and Starlab research in Earth orbit" was successfully conducted.

On April 26, the scientific and academic community from Latin America and the Caribbean gathered for an unprecedented event led by FONTAGRO to delve into the fascinating realm of space exploration. During the event, Dr. Eugenia Saini, FONTAGRO's Executive Secretary, warmly welcomed all participants, offering them an opportunity to explore the innovative work of Starlab under the direction of the renowned Dr. John Horack, Neil A. Armstrong Chair of Aerospace Policy at The Ohio State University (OSU).

The webinar served as a platform to celebrate innovative research and pioneering initiatives led by Starlab, highlighting its role as a beacon of innovation in the field of space science and technology. "Dr. John Horack's outstanding presentation opened minds to the infinite possibilities beyond our planet, fostering curiosity and a collective commitment to push the boundaries of human knowledge," stated Dr. Saini.

The Ohio State University leads the university collaboration for Starlab, a privately funded first-generation commercial space station with support from NASA. These institutions are focused on the growth and development of the scientific community's workforce and the commercialization of science, technology, and innovation. They are currently interested in creating a scientific ecosystem focused on plant research, agriculture, and resources through key partnerships with organizations like FONTAGRO.

In this context, Dr. Horack highlighted the innovative nature of the collaboration between Starlab, FONTAGRO, and OSU, aimed at creating positive outcomes in Latin America and the Caribbean through future participatory research activities, planning new webinars, and workshops on agriculture.

The event also featured Drs. David Marsh, Commercial Development Leader of Starlab Commercial Space Station, and Jason Phillips, Director of Foundation Relations at OSU, who leads the strategy and execution to secure grants from private foundations to support the university's academic and research priorities in fields including agriculture, sustainability, and health sciences.

Furthermore, Drs. Marsh and Phillips emphasized the importance of a national strategy to advance cutting-edge science and technology, strengthen U.S. government collaborations, promote market opportunities, and stimulate education and workforce development in STEM to create positive outcomes in the region.

Watch the recording of this webinar (in Spanish and English) through FONTAGRO's YouTube channel:

The event concluded with a sense of ignited curiosity and marked a significant milestone for the scientific and academic community, promoting space exploration and innovation by leaps and bounds.

With the support of
Fondo Coreano de Alianza para el Conocimiento en Tecnología e Innovación (KPK)