Green Technology: Vertical Farming as a Food Solution in Latin America

Published at: 04 May 2024

Next Friday, May 3, an innovative and essential webinar in the world of sustainable agriculture will take place. Under the title "Green Technology: Vertical Farming as a Food Solution in Latin America," this event will gather prominent experts and professionals from the agricultural and technological sectors to explore the impact and opportunities of vertical farming in the context of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Vertical farming, a revolutionary way of growing food in controlled environments and on multiple levels, has emerged as an innovative solution to the food demands in the modern world. This webinar offers a unique opportunity to understand how this green technology is transforming the agricultural landscape in the region and how it can significantly contribute to future food security.

During the webinar, attendees will have the chance to explore the scientific and technological advancements supporting vertical farming, as well as see concrete examples of its successful implementation with intensive crop production in Latin America. Topics to be discussed include sustainability, energy efficiency, environmental impact, efficient use of water resources, and solutions for producing fresh and healthy food.

This virtual meeting will feature international expert panelists, including Agronomist Engineer Javier Pitti Caballero from IDIAP – Panama, specializing in Agrochemistry and Soil Science and a graduate of the Agrarian University of St. Petersburg – Russia; Biotechnological Production Engineer Madeleyne Parra Fuentes, member of AGROSAVIA – Colombia and a graduate of the University Francisco de Paula Santander with a Master's in Applied Biology from the Military University Nueva Granada; Agronomist Engineer Stephanie Quirós Campos, researcher at the Vegetable Unit of INTA – Costa Rica; and Agronomist Engineer Germán Aguado, member of INTA – Argentina and Master Scientiae in Horticulture from the National University of Cuyo – Mendoza.

The event is supported by the Regional Fund for Agricultural Technology (FONTAGRO) in collaboration with the Institute of Agricultural Innovation of Panama (IDIAP), the Colombian Corporation for Agricultural Research (AGROSAVIA), the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA) of Argentina and Costa Rica, and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) of Costa Rica, institutions committed to the development of sustainable agriculture in the region. It promises to be an invaluable source of knowledge and insights for all those interested in the future of food on the continent.

This virtual meeting represents a unique opportunity to delve into the possibilities of vertical farming and its role in global food security.

With the support of
Fondo Coreano de Alianza para el Conocimiento en Tecnología e Innovación (KPK)