In the framework of the Root to Food project, the potatoe TSI was created. Five organizations from the departments of Boyacá and Cundinamarca (Colombia) with the accompaniment of the PBA Corporation and U. Javeriana, conform de TSI.

Territorial Innovation Systems (TIS) are collaborative mechanisms where stakeholders within a territory work together to enhance their income, seeking alternatives to improve productive systems that enable farmers to access new market niches.
In the TIS established within the "Root to Food" project, organizations of producers from the Boyacá and Cundinamarca departments, the Pontifical Javeriana University, and the PBA Corporation are involved. Through this TIS, protocols for the production of native potatoes with good agricultural practices were defined. Production costs were recorded and adjusted, and strategies for the marketing and transformation of agricultural products such as potatoes and milk were established. Currently, market niches are being explored, and there are some positive experiences with the commercialization of native potatoes.