On November 7, 2023, the LECHECK app Update and the E-Learning Course were launched as part of the FONTAGRO Project “AgTech for Climate Smart Dairy” ATN-RF 18078 RG

On November 7, 2023, the LECHECK app Update and the E-Learning Course were launched as part of the FONTAGRO Project “AgTech for Climate Smart Dairy” ATN-RF 18078 RG at the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of the Republic of Costa Rica.
The Vice Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of Costa Rica Fernando Vargas Pérez, the team of the project and the representatives of administrative technical secretary of FONTAGRO, the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases (GRA), INTA (Argentina), INTA (Costa Rica), CAHLE (Honduras), IDIAF (Dominican Republic), Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the National University of Córdoba, Argentina, IDIAF (Dominican Republic) and INIA (Uruguay) took part in the event.
Everyone highlighted the work carried out and the easy-to-use product obtained, both from the LECHECK APP and its version on the Lecheck.app website that allows a “360 degree” visualization of the dairy's activities available to the producer, technicians and industries, among others. An easy-to-use tool that allows you to quickly view your dairy, in nine key areas, and allows you to analyze its status in a productive, environmental, social and animal welfare way in the recommended good dairy practices. In addition, it allows you to visualize how your dairy is doing to implement sustainable management processes aimed at achieving “Climately Smart Dairy Establishments”, a very important area in the sustainability of the dairy in the current international context. The need for the APP to achieve maintenance over time was insisted upon, seeking the necessary resources to expand its use and future updates.
The Agr. Eng. Verónica Aimar, a member of the project, highlighted the improvements made in the APP thanks to multinational validation in more than 650 establishments, which included activities in the field with producers and technicians.
The activity was closed by Dr. Livia Negri, project leader, thanking and reinforcing the concepts expressed raised by the work team.
In case you are interested in knowing more, you can watch the launch broadcast on YouTube.
All project information at www.fontagro.org
You can download the application on Google Play or App Store