Published at: 30 May 2023

The Role of Agribusiness in the Differentiation of Foods with Nutritional Quality

In the province of #Chiriquí, an important event called “value chain for iron-rich beans: baseline for packing companies or agroindustries in Panama” was held as part of the Regional Alliances project for the dissemination of iron-rich beans that is being developed. in Panama, Colombia, Honduras, Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic, under financing from the Regional Fund for Agricultural Technology (FONTAGRO).
The project, the value chain for iron-rich beans and the importance of iron consumption in the diet were presented. In addition to this, surveys were carried out with the participating packaging companies to collect data that contribute to the development of the project.
With the objective of identifying data that allows determining different factors of production and packaging of beans in Panama, the first training meeting aimed at more than 8 companies was held on May 25, 2023, Hotel Ciudad David, Chiriquí. bean packing plants in the country.

Publication available at: 

Project news

Regional alliances for iron-rich beans in Latin American countries
With the support of
Fondo Coreano de Alianza para el Conocimiento en Tecnología e Innovación (KPK)