The co-executing agencies of the project were reunited in the Dominican Republic to continue the development of the application

The project aims to provide tools for dairy farms in Latin America and the Caribbean to be climate Smart, therefore is crucial to take into account the particularities of different countries and their dairy production.
The hybrid meetings were held from April 19 to 21. During the first day, each co-executing agency shared the results of the validation of the application.
On the second day, the agencies agreed the actions to improve the application in the following aspects:
- Visualization of the data of the establishments with Power BI.
- Changes in the vocabulary used in the texts.
- Data synchronization.
- New functions in the web platform of the application.
- Application functionality.
During the third day, we visited dairy establishments in the municipality of Higüey, province of La Alta Gracia, where different production scales can be seen and how the LECHECK APP can offer improvement tools in each case.
We were accompanied by the extension technician Primitiva Mejía who works for the MEGALECHE program of the Dirección General de Ganadería of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Dominican Republic. The program is in charge of assisting in improving milk production and quality.
Participated in the meetings:
- INTA Argentina
- Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC)
- INTA Costa Rica
- Cámara Hondureña de la Leche (CAHLE)
- IDIAF República Dominicana
- INIA Uruguay