Ranchers share knowledge about multipurpose silvopastoral systems

Published at: 03 May 2023

Local knowledge about the use of woody species in livestock is the starting point to advance in the massification of SSPM

From the baseline study of family livestock farms in Peru and Colombia, it was identified that the producers conserve some native woody species on their farms, however, they are unaware of some of the functions that have been evaluated in research carried out by Agrosavia and UNALM. , as they are, the improvement of the forage offer of high protein value for cattle feeding, its importance for the reduction of heat stress in animals and its contributions to the mitigation of climate change given its characteristics of adaptation to their environments. Through the participatory workshops, an exchange of knowledge was generated between producers on the identification of woody species and the use that each producer gives them on their farm, managing to strengthen ties between them and raise awareness about the implementation of the SSPM.

With the support of
Fondo Coreano de Alianza para el Conocimiento en Tecnología e Innovación (KPK)