Paraguay's technical team toured the project pilot sites providing technical support for producers and delivering the inputs according to the work plan
During November and December 2022, the technical team responsible for the Paraguayan Institute of Agricultural Technology (IPTA) toured the pilot sites of President Hayes and Boquerón departments of the Paraguayan Chaco Region within the framework of the Fontagro project “Increase in Bovine productivity in the South American Chaco".
The project team made up of Dr. Vet. Maura Ortiz, Ing. Agr. Prero Nicolás Cabrera Cardus, Dr. Vet. Máximo Riquelme, and Liliana Heinrichs extension techniques and technicians, Derlis Zárate Technical, Víctor Miguel Hermosilla, Ing. Zoot. Aida González, Dr. Vet. Eder Bóbeda and Ing. Agr. Derlis Samaniego toured the region.
The goals consisted on the supervision of the situation of the producers, of their productive systems, making technical assistance to them, as well as the exchange of experiences between producers and evaluation of the progress of work carried out up to date.