LECHECK has been integrated as part of the Bank's low-cost technological solutions and/or based on local resources of the Platform for Climate Action in Agriculture in Latin America and the Caribbean (PLACA).

All the selected proposals are available on the following map:
The Platform of Latin America and the Caribbean for Climate Action on Agriculture is a regional mechanism for voluntary collaboration among the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) on agriculture and climate change, aimed at productive agricultural development that is adapted to the effects of climate change and is resilient and low in greenhouse gas emissions.
The initiative, which was launched in 2019 in the framework of COP25, seeks to generate a regional space for the exchange of knowledge, technologies and collaborative practices in agriculture to support the implementation of domestic climate change policies.
The Platform considers social, environmental and economic dimensions to seek synergies with major environmental conventions, such as the Climate Change Convention, Agenda 2030, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, and the Conventions on Biological Diversity and Combating Desertification and Drought.
Source: http://accionclimaticaplaca.org/en/