It was held in Balcarce, Argentina to share INTA´s experience in gene edition on the crop.

Taking advantage of the presence of technicians from the different institutions participating in the “Gene Edition for Improvement in Plant and Animal Species” on June 10, 2022 this day destined for potato cultivation was carried out. Professionals of Agrosavia (Colombia), Inia (Peru), Iniap (Ecuador), and ACA and INTA (Argentina) were present.
Dr. Sergio Feingold, coordinator of the International Project, explained how to respond to potato quality demands from markets, producing in a context of climate change.
Dr. Gabriela Guevara, of the Institute of Biological Research (IIB) CONICET - National University of Mar del Plata, on the other hand, presented on the "overexpression of aspartyl proteases for the generation of potatoes resistant to biotic and abiotic factors."
The regulatory panorama of Argentina was also presented for transgenic events and developments derived from the gene edition, by Ing. Agr. Perla Godoy of the National Directorate of Bioeconomy of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of Argentina.
Dr. Matías González del Inta Balcarce explained how advances in the reduction of the enzymatic browning of the potatoes through gene edition, one of the most developed experiences in the region.
Finally, biotechnological opportunities were analyzed to improve quality and improve the sustainability of potato production, with the guide of Dr. Gabriela Massa.
The day ended with a wide exchange of ideas among the participants, which are constituting the first links of the inter -institutional platform for research and application of gene edition knowledge, which is in the process of construction within the framework of this project in which Argentina participates , Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay and Uruguay.
The gene editing project is funded by Fontagro, Procisur, the Association of Argentine Cooperatives and Don Mario Semillas.