On November 14 and 15, the Sheep Update Course was held in Bariloche and Estancia San Ramón, as a satellite activity of the 45th Argentinean Congress of Animal Production
This course, aimed at producers, technicians, professionals and students involved in sheep production, was organized by INTA EEA Bariloche and was supported by FONTAGRO, Fundación ArgenINTA, INTA's Small Ruminant Production and Sustainable Livestock Production in Arid Zones of Patagonia projects and the Ministry of Production and Agroindustry of the Province of Rio Negro.
The course covered topics on precision livestock farming, feed conversion efficiency in sheep in Uruguay, sheep production valorization: animals, processes, people and environment, approach to carbon balance in production systems in Northern Patagonia in the context of climate change; forage prospective and satellite early warning: a tool to adapt to environmental changes; animal welfare: certifications and current uses; sustainable use of antiparasitics: the case of mange; innovation in the generation of recombinant hormones and how to avoid the use of toxic baits/growth of demand and breeding farms at national level.
Around 100 people participated in the event. There were field demonstrations on shearing, herding, pastures, and ram inspection, among others.