The module on "Cloning and Gene Editing" is developed from November 14th to18th, 2022

The course is held in the Biotechnology Lab of the Animal Production Department of the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Buenos Aires, which also participates in the FONTAGRO project. LabBA has conducted cloning experiences in cattle, of which the first cloned calves of adult and fetal transgenic cells in Latin America were obtained.
This course module intends to provide participants with theoretical-practical knowledge in the CRISPR/CAS9 technique and its use in the gene and epigenetic edition in embryos with special emphasis on cattle, sheep and pigs.
The teaching team is headed by Dr. Daniel Salamone (right in the photo), along with Dr. Rafael Fernández Martín, the MSc. Minerva Yauri, the Vet. Federico Allegroni and Lic. Gastón La Motta, all of them from Fauba.
Among training attendees are Camila Sandoval Torres (INIA Kampenaike, Chile); Adriana Lauro and Leandro Picotto (INTA - EEA Balcarce, Argentina); Gabriela Garrappa (Animal Research Institute of the Semi -arid Chaco, INTA, Argentina); and Marilyn Tapia Montes (INIA Tamel Aike, Chile) who are part of the platform to share knowledge, tools and experiences on gene editing for the improvement of crops and animals in the countries of the region, promoted by the project.
The platform is initially integrated by Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Chile, Paraguay, Colombia and Ecuador and is coordinated by INTA Argentina.
The "Gene Edition for Breeding in Plant and Animal Species" project has FONTAGRO and PROCISUR's financial support.