Within the framework of the "AgTech for Climate-Smart Dairy" project, from May 16 to 20, activities were carried out for the validation and official launch of the lecheck app.

Validation workshops were held from May 16 to 19 in the northern Huetar region in Costa Rica. More than 60 technicians and extensionists participated in them, from both the public and private sectors. Workshop goals were held to show the tool and validate some information, according to the standards developed through good practices, and thus know and understand the situation of each dairy farm and prioritize improvement options.
The official launch activity was held on Friday, May 20, at the facilities of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture -IICA- in Coronado, with the participation of high-ranking authorities from the executing agencies.
Costa Rica´s Vice Minister of Agriculture, Mrs Rocío Valerio Rodríguez, explained that applications of this type allow technology to be taken to where it is needed. This application will transform data into information, allowing farmers, the government, and the country at large to make decisions. The Executive Director of INTA Costa Rica, Eng. Arturo Solórzano, stated that applications of this type allow decisions to be taken in the field, adding that at present there is a demand for additional applications in productive areas given the digital transformation of the productive sector.
Launch Event Speakers:
Livia Negri Rodríguez – Project Technical Leader
Rocío Valerio Rodríguez- Vice Minister of Agriculture of Costa Rica
Arturo Solorzano - Executive director of INTA Costa Rica
Federico Bert – Responsible for digital agriculture at IICA
Eugenia Saini – Executive Secretary of FONTAGRO
Hayden Montgomery- Special Representative of the Global Research Alliance (GRA) on Agriculture Greenhouse Gases.
Jorge Dutto, Dean of the Agricultural Sciences School of the Córdoba National University.
Eladio Arnaud – Director General of IDIAF, Dominican Republic.
Héctor Ferreira – President of the Honduran Chamber of Milk (CAHLE)
José Bonica – President of INIA Uruguay