This and other promising preliminary results were presented by FONTAGROs project "Sustainable control of HLB vector in family farming in Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Bolivia" in a virtual seminar on HLB organized by IICA Venezuela.

During the event "Experiences on control and eradication of citrus HLB disease in Latin America and the Caribbean" held on April 20, advances in prevention and control of HLB in Latin America and the Caribbean were presented. It was attended by specialists from Mexico, Venezuela, Argentina and Brazil, favoring exchange of information, the panorama of prevention, approaches to the HLB problem and the many challenges the region is currently facing.
From Argentina, Silvana Giancola, leader of FONTAGROs project "Sustainable control of HLB vector in family farming in Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Bolivia", presented results of integrated pest management (IPM) in demonstration and conventional lots located in citrus family farms in 3 countries (Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay). In this sense, and based on the periodic monitoring carried out in these lots, there is evidence of a 21% decrease in individuals of Diaphorina citri (HLB vector) and a 60% increase in natural enemies, product of IPM implementation.
Likewise, she commented on other findings that show that IPM would reduce direct production costs, based on timely control of pests and diseases and the use of more environmentally friendly products, thus positively impacting the quality of the fruit harvested.
The aforementioned international project has been underway since the end of 2019. More than 100 researchers and extension workers from the following institutions take active part in the project: INTA/Fundación ArgenINTA (Argentina) as implementing agency; INIA (Uruguay), the National University of Itapuá/Itapúa University Foundation (Paraguay) and the Autonomous Municipal Government of Bermejo (Bolivia), as co-implementers; and SENASA and FEDERCITRUS from Argentina and UPEFRUY from Uruguay, as associated organizations.
At the end of the seminar, a consultation space was provided in which specialists delved into the particularities of this productive sector in each country and technical, legal and prospective aspects of the HLB in the region.
You can download the complete presentation from the following link: