Training given by Sebastian Villagra, on November 18, 2021, on Animal nutrition at weaning.
Place: El Chaiful - Río Negro - Argentina
Organizers: AER INTA Jacobacci- Nehuen Co. Community.
Trainer: Edgar Sebastian Villagra- EEA INTA Bariloche
During the year 2021 there was no snowfall and rainfall was less than 50% of the annual average in the Southern Region of the province of Rio Negro. The decrease in forage supply caused by severe drought predicted critical production results.
The Fontagro project seeks the development and validation of technological innovations to increase the resilience and adaptability of pastoral systems. And together with the Nehuen Co Community (Paraje el Chaiful) and the AER INTA Jacobacci, progress was made in the maintenance of a community forage bank and the use of sheds for calving under controlled conditions.
In this opportunity we will refer to the training given by Sebastian Villagra, on November 18, 2020, on Animal Nutrition at the time of weaning. This was in response to the concern of the families about the lambing of sheep in a context of drought.
The objectives of the training were:
- To analyze the nutritional requirements in the different animal categories.
- To know the nutritional characteristics of the different forages.
- To elaborate balanced rations and develop safe feed management practices.
Members of the organization and neighbors attended the workshop in the field of a producer of the Community. It was a gratifying day of exchange of experiences and deepening of theoretical contents and examples of field application.
The updated information made it possible to make decisions on weaning management and improve the use of the community's forage bank.