The Rural Extension Agency of INTA Bariloche, with financing from the EUROCLIMA+ project and FONTAGRO, designed the layout and installed 3,000 meters of permanent electric fence on the Linares-Cañuqueo family farm in Anecón Chico.
Grazing management in Patagonia's natural pastures is key to ensure the sustainability of production systems in the context of climate change. For this reason, one of the main objectives of the FONTAGRO project "Adaptation to climate change in extensive family livestock farming" is the dissemination and implementation of basic infrastructure to improve grazing practices.
The Rural Extension Agency of INTA Bariloche, with funding from the EUROCLIMA+ project and FONTAGRO, designed the layout and installed 3,000 meters of permanent electric fence on the Linares-Cañuqueo family farm in Anecón Chico.
This fencing allowed dividing the field into two squares and a paddock in order to change from continuous grazing with high selection pressure on the mallín to a rotational grazing that allows the pasture to rest during the growing season. Providing these rests to the pastures will allow their productive recovery and at the same time facilitate the work involved in herding the animals, lambing the ewes and managing predation.