As part of the FONTAGRO Family Farming, Innovation and Markets project, the institutional video production stage is underway to show the different case studies and lessons learned.

As part of this activity, on October 11 and 12, a team of INTA researchers -Mónica Chavez, Florencia Chavez and Nicolás López-, accompanied by a specialist in audiovisual production -Pablo Garzón-, traveled to the town of Amblayo, located at an altitude of 2,290 meters in the Calchaquíes Valleys of the province of Salta. The main productive activity in the area is the artisanal production of goat cheese. In recent decades, the producing families have been making innovations in adding value, which have resulted in better conditions for marketing their products. The case study in this territory included the analysis of these innovations.
With the intention of communicating the results of the study through the voices of its protagonists, interviews with six producers were filmed during this visit: Nancy Cuevas, Rita Cuellar, Clara Burgos, Rodrigo Cuevas and the married couple Ernestina Cuellar and Roberto Tapia. All of them are members of the "La Junta" Neighborhood Center of the Río Salado area, an organization that has largely promoted the improvements achieved. Moreover, Mónica Chavez and Nicolás López were interviewed. They are both INTA researchers who worked contributing in the innovation processes in the area and generating information to include artisanal goat's milk cheeses in the regulations governing the activity and marketing of these products.