Preparation of lots for sampling associated with biological nitrogen fixation

Published at: 07 September 2021

During the last days of August and the first of September, the sites that will be part of the vegetal biomass sampling were conditioned to evaluate the effect of the promotion of Lotus tenuis in pastures of the Depressed Pampa on the contribution of nitrogen (N) by fixation. biological N.

The environments under study are hydro-halomorphic soils characteristic of this livestock region, which are usually restrictive for the growth of many forage species. Due to its adaptive characteristics, L. tenuis can thrive in such environments, being of high nutritional value for livestock; hence the importance of its study.

Accompanying the measurements of N15 to evaluate the contributions of N by biological fixation, the volatilization of ammonia will be studied. Both measurements will be part of the N balance studies in pastures promoted with L. tenuis.

This work is carried out by the Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA) of Argentina, and has the participation of undergraduate and graduate students from the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Buenos Aires.

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Sustainable intensification of livestock systems with legumes
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Webinars 2020
With the support of
Fondo Coreano de Alianza para el Conocimiento en Tecnología e Innovación (KPK)