On August 17th, the closing meeting and consolidation of the document of Good Practices for climate-smart dairy establishments (ELCI) was accomplished.

The document was a construction among the 5 countries involved in the project initialized in August 2020. It involved a work process with technical meetings for discussion and modification in each country, three “Livestock and Climate Change” workshops addressed to all project participants with the presence of representatives of FAO and the Global Research Alliance (GRA) and three meetings of the team of co-executors.
Participated, via Zoom:
Joaquín Caridad del Rosario representing IDIAF from the Dominican Republic, Gabriela Mora Mora representing INTA Costa Rica, Carmen García from CAHLE from Honduras, Alejandro Lamanna from INIA Uruguay, Verónica Aimar from FCA-UNC Argentina and Livia Negri from INTA Argentina.
The final document incorporates good practices classified in the following areas: food, environment, animal nutrition, animal welfare, socioeconomic management, weather conditions and natural disasters, production and hygiene, pastures and crops, animal reproduction and animal health. Likewise, all have been categorized by their impact on production, milk quality, adaptation and mitigation to climate change. This document constitutes the basis for the design and development of Agtech tools that will later be validated within the framework of the project.
Livia Negri, Project Technical Leader
“Our work constitutes a real challenge as it incorporates all those practices that a dairy farm in LAC should carry out to produce quality milk and in the meantime taking care of people, animals and preserving the environment, contemplating practices to adapt and mitigate climate change”.
The project seeks to develop capacities for sustainable production aimed at achieving Climate-Smart Dairy Establishments in 5 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC).