Supplementary material for class 10 of the subject "Family Farming and Markets".

Instruments and mechanisms for valuation and identification in the production and marketing of family farming
Within the framework of the course "Family Farming and Markets", taught virtually from the platform of the National University of Quilmes and sponsored by the FONTAGRO Project ATN/RF-16108-RG "Family Farmers, Innovation and Markets", an interview was conducted between teachers of the course (Laura Niño Aguirre and María Laura Viteri) and two specialists in instruments and mechanisms for valuation and identification in the production and marketing of family farming.
Dr. Mirene Begiristain from the University of the Basque Country (Spain) and Agronomist Renata Valgiusti (UNQui and ULTERA, Argentina) share their activities in agroecology and the food system. In this exchange, both tell what tools they use to analyze agroecological production and marketing projects and processes (indicator systems, participatory guarantee systems, systematization, etc.)
This video is part of the didactic material of the subject taught within the Specialization in Management of the Social and Solidarity Economy (EGESS) at the University of Quilmes. The course is in charge of Laura Niño Aguirre; Henry Chiroque Solano; Christian Arnaiz; Martín Garo (UNQui), Sergio Dumrauf and María Laura Viteri (UNLP, UNMdP, INTA) and is supported by FONTAGRO. Sergio Dumrauf, María Laura Viteri and Mirene Begiristain are part of the FONTAGRO Project "Family Farmers, Innovation and Markets".
Panel for the exchange of marketing experiences
The objective of this panel was to present different alternative marketing modalities managed by Organizations and Social Movements as contributions to the Construction of Public Policies.
Presentations were made by:
- Cauqueva
- Rural MTE
- Via Campesina
- Indigenous Peasant Movement Cordoba - Monte Adentro
Panel developed within the framework of the subject "Family Farming and Markets", taught virtually from the platform of the National University of Quilmes and sponsored by the FONTAGRO Project ATN/RF-16108-RG "Family Farmers, Innovation and Markets". The subject is in charge of Laura Niño Aguirre; Henry Chiroque Solano; Christian Arnaiz; Martín Garo (UNQui), Sergio Dumrauf and María Laura Viteri (UNLP, UNMdP, INTA) and is supported by FONTAGRO. Sergio Dumrauf and María Laura Viteri are part of the FONTAGRO Project.