Training in digital commerce tools for groups of Family Farming producers.

The objective of this workshop is to generate digital marketing tools and the necessary skills to manage them. There are six virtual meetings of two hours each on the Zoom platform, every two weeks, where contents that provide conceptual elements to build a digital marketing strategy will be addressed.It is aimed at groups of producers from the Family Farming (FF), commercial referents of organizations from the FF and traders who sell products from the FF, with the capacity and interests to develop a digital marketing strategy. Organized by the FONTAGRO Project “Family Farming, Innovation and Markets” and INTA, through the Structural Project "Commercialization and Consumption of Family Farming Products" and CIPAF.
Introductory session
Apertura institucional
The purpose of the opening was to introduce the people who will participate in the training and the support team and to share the general framework of the proposal, the objectives of the course and the development modality.
Day 1
Conceptual aspects and introduction to digital market
The purpose of the workshop is to identify the specificity of e-commerce transactions, highlight the scope and limitations of e-commerce transactions and recognize some experiences of family farming organizations in e-commerce.
- Marketing channels for family farming products.
- Introduction to digital marketing.
- Digital marketing platforms.
- Experience of digital marketing of family farming products: The Territorial Marketplace.
Led by Matías Centeno (INTA San Luis and Faculty of Human Sciences of the National University of San Luis) and Laura Niño (Professor of the University Technicature in Social and Solidarity Economy and member of the Economy, Markets and Finance Incubator of the National University of Quilmes).
Pedagogical material
Introduction to the Digital Marketplace
The Territorial Market Experience
Day 2
Digital communication 1
The purpose of the workshop is to identify the constituent elements of a communication system for productive enterprises within the framework of a digital marketing strategy.
- Organizational identity: mission, vision, values and objectives. Brand story.
- Communication map
- Commercial diagnosis. Visual identity system
- Generation of texts and product images (catalog, assortment, image, text).
Presented by Santiago Errecalde (Director of the University Incubator in Social and Solidarity Economy and member of the Social and Solidarity Economy Observatory CREES of the National University of Quilmes) and Marcos Pearson (Coordinator of the Social and Solidarity Economy Program of the National University of the Center of the Province of Buenos Aires).
Pedagogical material
Digital communication 1
PowerPoint presentation
Video group presentations
Day 3
Retail product shipment logistics
The aim of this workshop is to identify the main elements of a retail distribution strategy for fresh and non-perishable products.
- Stockpile of perishable and non-perishable products
- Reception and preparation of orders (individual orders, group orders, nodes).
- packaging
- Transportation and delivery (pick-up points, home delivery).
- Registration and updating of stocks. - Registration of receipt and delivery of orders.
In charge of Montserrat Miño (Member of the Cooperative Colectivo Solidario, Department of Social Economy, Cooperativism and Self-management of the C. C. de la Cooperación Floreal Gorini. Lecturer in Management of Social and Solidarity Economy Organizations - University of Buenos Aires).
Pedagogical material
Retail shipment logistic
PowerPoint presentation
Video group presentations
Day 4
Means of payment and financial management
The purpose of this workshop is to learn about the different payment methods options and the requirements of each one and to recognize the relevance and possible tools for the registration of current accounts of suppliers and customers.
- Terms of sale (in advance, cash on delivery, current account).
- Payment methods. Characteristics and requirements of each one (cash, bank transfer, debit and credit payment platforms, electronic wallets, etc).
- Financial management of collections and payments.
- Registration of suppliers and sales debtors.
- Marketing costs and pricing policy.
By Mariana Comellini and Camila Montero Bressán (Factorial Work Cooperative).
Pedagogical material
Means of payment and financial management
PowerPoint presentation
Video group presentations
Day 5
Tax and associative figures
The purpose of the workshop is to learn about the different options for the formalization of enterprises, their requirements and advantages.
- Corporate and/or tax registration categories for the social and popular economy (monotributo, monotributo social, cooperative, etc.)
- Formalization requirements for digital marketing.
- Banking.
In charge of Mercedes Castillla (Technical, Administrative and Legal Undersecretary at the Ministry of Women, Gender Policies and Sexual Diversity of the Buenos Aires Province . She was in charge of the National Registry of Local Development and Social Economy Effectors of the National Ministry of Social Development).
Pedagogical material
Formalization - Tax and associative figures
PowerPoint presentation
Video group presentations
Day 6
Digital communication II: Broadcast
Workshop with the objective of identifying the potential of digital mass communication platforms for the broadcasting of the catalog and to recognize the requirements of each platform for the publication of pieces.
- Available platforms (email, social networks, instant messaging).
- Modalities of publication.
- Types of publication: language and visual content (human features, operations, news, raffles, promotions).
- Programming and scheduling of publications.
- Tools for the preparation of communication pieces.
- Online consumer expectations and behavior.
- Audience generation.
In charge of Santiago Errecalde (Director of the University Incubator in Social and Solidarity Economy and member of the Observatory of Social and Solidarity Economy CREES of the National University of Quilmes).
Pedagogical material
Digital Communication II: Broadcast
PowerPoint presentation
Video group presentations