Last Wednesday the trird of four training session cycle regarding sustainability and evaluation methodologies was held.
In order to conceptually introduce professionals in this topic and provide tools to evaluate the sustainability of the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) technology in citrus through the Ambitec-Agro method, FONTAGROs project “Sustainable HLB vector control in Family Farming in Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Bolivia; and Structural (INTA 2019 portfolio) “Sustainable intensification of fruit chains”, organized the afore mentioned training cycle “Assessing sustainability”.
Current training cycle takes place in four virtual meetings
First two meetings took place on October 28 and November 4. The fourth and final meeting will take place on November 18.
At the beginning of the 3rd meeting Silvana Giancola, researcher at INTA CIEP and Leader of the FONTAGRO project presented both projects and welcomed keynote speakers. Next, Laura Salvador from the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the National University of Córdoba, Argentina addressed the audience and presented an introduction to the environmental impact assessment system within Ambitec-Agro methodology.
Meeting 4 will focus on "Adaptation and implementation of the Ambitec-Agro system: impacts and technology adoption for good practices of coexistence with the HLB of citrus fruits".
Download the presentations:
Environmental Impact Assessment System of Agricultural Technological Innovations - AMBITEC– Laura Salvador
Access links for the next meeting:
Wednesday, November 18: