On July 22 and 29 from 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Argentina time, the training event on Beekeeping Flora will be held in the Great American Chaco of Argentina
On July 22 and 29 from 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Argentina time, the training event on Beekeeping Flora will be held in the Great American Chaco of Argentina. It is organized by INTA, PIT Noroeste de Córdoba; PIT Livestock of the Chaco Árido; Beekeeping Program; Regional Centers CR Tucumán-Sgo; CR Córdoba; CR SaltaJujuy; CR La Rioja-Catamarca; CR Chaco- Formosa; CR Buenos Aires Sur; CR Buenos Aires Norte and the FONTAGRO Project, REDLAC ;, Cambio Rural, MAGyP; Formosa Ministry of Production and Environment.
The first objective of the training is to know the flora of apicultural importance of the Gran Chaco region and the factors that affect it, while the second objective is to analyze the representative flowering curves of the humid Chaco and arid Chaco. The same is intended for beekeepers, students, technicians, professionals and the modality is two meetings of 1:30 each on the INTA Argentina YouTube channel.
Check the program with the speakers and the hours of their talk