Within the framework of the FONTAGRO Project "Sustainable control of the HLB vector in family farming, in Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Bolivia", training sessions for young monitors regarding quarantine pests and diseases in citrus were held.
Training sessions took place at the EAPPA Alternation Agro technical School No. 4, in Colonia KM 210 at Pirané Department, in the province of Formosa, Argentina
Training consisted of two theoretical-practical sessions carried out on May 21 and June 17, 2019, conducted by Ms. Carmen O. Peralta, an INTA professional from AER (Extension Services Station) El Colorado, Formosa Argentina.
27 seventh-year students attended, all of them live in the surrounding neighborhoods of: Loma Senés, La Sirenita, La Sirena, El Alba, Lot 19, Bañaderos, La Floresta, Villa 213, El Colorado and Villafañe, Department South Pirané.
The first session was held on May 21. It consisted of a theoretical lecture, followed by practice in cabinet, including observation of vegetable samples of citrus and Myrtle (Murraya paniculata). Students were able to identify, directly and with a binocular loupe, the most common pests and diseases in the region, as well as the damages and symptoms they produce. At the second session, students collected samples of plant material from each of their colonies, in order to identify, using a binocular loupe, most relevant pests and diseases in citrus. Subsequently, during a field tour at school plantation, they carried out monitoring with georeferencing of plants, direct observation and extraction of samples of the different stages of the vector insect of HLB -Diaphorina citri-. Collected samples were brought to the classroom to identify eggs and nymphs of the vector with a binocular loupe.
Finally, students who completed successfully both sessions received their Certificates as attendees.