Dominican Republic

Amadeo Petilu
Escarramán Rodríguez

geographic information systems Climate smart agriculture Productive systems Rural Extension Territorial development Banana Water


Professional with specialization in Geographic Information Systems. He is currently the Coordinator of the Component for the Dominican Republic of the Regional Program for the Integrated Management of Coffee Rust (PROCAGICA-RD) at IICA. 16 years of experience as Associate Researcher at the Dominican Institute of Agricultural and Forestry Research (IDIAF). Professor by subject at UTESA, PUCMM and UAPA University. The topics of her work have been Rural Development, watershed management, climate change and value addition of agricultural products. Coffee specialist, mainly quality control and marketing. Coffee taster. and experience in Watershed Management. As for the languages, it works in Spanish, English, French and Portuguese.

Fellow researchers


Juan Castellon

water resources Climate smart agriculture Productive systems Rural Extension Territorial development

David Cerda Granados

genetics Climate smart agriculture Productive systems Rural Extension Territorial development
United States

Charles Staver

Ecology and Agricultural Economy Climate smart agriculture Family agriculture Pests y Diseases Productive systems Rural Extension Territorial development

Falguni Guharay

climate change Climate smart agriculture Productive systems Rural Extension Territorial development

Bruno Rapidel

agroforestry Climate smart agriculture Productive systems Rural Extension Territorial development
Dominican Republic

Domingo Rengifo

Agriculture Agroindustry Bio-inputs Capacity building Climate smart agriculture Family agriculture Genetic improvement Pests y Diseases Postharvest Poverty Productive systems Rural Extension Territorial development
Costa Rica

Rein van der Hoek

natural resources Agriculture Capacity building Climate smart agriculture Family agriculture Genetic improvement Postharvest Productive systems Rural Extension Seeds Territorial development
With the support of
Fondo Coreano de Alianza para el Conocimiento en Tecnología e Innovación (KPK)