Costa Rica

Ramirez Rojas

agronomy Climate smart agriculture Coffee


Jorge Eduardo Ramírez Rojas is Costa Rican, he studied at the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Costa Rica, obtaining the title of Agricultural Engineer in the academic degree of Bachelor of Plant Science. He has 39 years of professional experience as a coffee specialist. He worked first for the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG), in the Cooperative Program ICAFE-MAG in Research and technology transfer in coffee. When this Program became part of the Coffee Institute of Costa Rica, it remained linked to its scientific research work in coffee, which allowed it to participate as principal investigator in more than 50 projects on agronomic management, genetic improvement, soils and fertilization. He was director of the Coffee Research Center (CICAFE) and technical manager of ICAFE. As part of your activities as a coffee expert, you have

He has written books related to agronomic management, shady coffee plantations and coffee-growing soils, he has also published numerous technical and scientific articles in different specialized magazines. He has participated as a lecturer and exhibitor in more than 12 Latin American countries, has coordinated the organization of different scientific events and given courses on coffee growing. He currently works as an expert consultant in coffee, conducts consultancies for research centers, advises coffee companies, develops training activities aimed at technicians and producers from countries of South, Central America and the Caribbean.

Fellow researchers


Bruno Rapidel

agroforestry Climate smart agriculture Productive systems Rural Extension Territorial development

Peter Laderach

climate change Climate smart agriculture
With the support of
Fondo Coreano de Alianza para el Conocimiento en Tecnología e Innovación (KPK)