
Juan Manuel
Pardo Garcia

biotechnology Agriculture Genetic improvement Pests y Diseases Productive systems Seeds Cassava


During my studies at the university, I always had a great passion for the things I was learning, and for that reason, in the seventh semester, I was given the opportunity to start my undergraduate thesis in a plantation of Stevia rebaudiana in the eastern lowlands of Colombia. The thesis was titled: “Influence of organic matter and Azotobacter nigricans on a crop of Stevia rebaudiana B.” Subsequently, I joined the International Center for Tropical Agriculture, where I developed my master’s thesis titled “Development of a Real Time PCR methodology for detection and quantification of phytoplasm 16SrIII-L and reovirus CFSV associated with frogskin disease in cassava.” This research on phytoplasmas defined my professional profile, due to the fact that the causal agent of frogskin disease in cassava was unknown for many years and was the topic of debate among scientists. Being subject to constant criticism on the premise of the causal agent of frogskin disease allowed me to acquire skill in the agronomic management of the cassava crop, Bioinformatics, and molecular diagnosis using techniques such as Real Time PCR and LAMP. Concurrent with the research on Frogskin, an emerging disease caused by phytoplasmas called witches’ broom was reported in Southeast Asian cassava fields in 2008. This led me to carry out research in Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, and the Philippines in the development of molecular
diagnosis, management and search for the vector insect of the phytoplasm causing witches’ broom disease, in addition to training researchers from across Southeast Asia. Currently, CIAT’s cassava germplasm bank is the largest in the world, with some 10,000 accessions. It has implemented Real Time PCR and LAMP methods developed in the course of my professional trajectory.


Fellow researchers


Elizabeth Álvarez

phytopathology Agriculture Bio-inputs Capacity building Evaluation of Results and Impact Genetic improvement Pests y Diseases Productive systems Rural Extension Seeds
Costa Rica

Yannery Gómez Bonilla

plant protection Agriculture Genetic improvement Pests y Diseases Productive systems Seeds

Marta Zacher de Martínez

biotechnology Agriculture Genetic improvement Pests y Diseases Productive systems Seeds
Costa Rica

Sergio Torres Portuguez

agronomy Agriculture Genetic improvement Pests y Diseases Productive systems Seeds
Costa Rica

Edgar Aguilar Brenes

technology transfer Agriculture Family agriculture Genetic improvement Pests y Diseases Productive systems Seeds
Costa Rica

Jose Arturo Solorzano Arroyo

agronomy Agriculture Genetic improvement Pests y Diseases Postharvest Productive systems Seeds
With the support of
Fondo Coreano de Alianza para el Conocimiento en Tecnología e Innovación (KPK)