I am an agronomist graduated from UNCP, with a master's degree in Social Management from PUCP, specializing in Development Practices, and a master’s in Environmental Socioeconomics from the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE) in Costa Rica. I am deeply interested in the conservation and valuation of the country’s genetic resources, particularly Andean genetic resources, with a focus on participatory and sustainable management of the livelihoods of local populations.
With over 30 years of experience in the conservation of Andean genetic resources, both in rural communities and ex situ, I have been involved in 1) planning, management, characterization, conservation, and promotion of sustainable use of Andean genetic resources, and 2) monitoring agricultural diversity in the central region of the country. I have a strong ability to manage and implement projects related to the sustainable management, conservation, and use of agrobiodiversity, as well as the capacity to interact effectively with various key stakeholders, including rural communities, students, national and international researchers, as well as government, non-governmental organizations, and other decision-makers.
In representation of INIA, I have served and continue to serve on the Regional Committees for Ecological and Economic Zoning, Biodiversity, Climate Change, and the Huaytapallana Regional Conservation Area, in the Junín Region, where I work professionally.