
San Vicente

plant breeding Agriculture Capacity building Family agriculture Genetic improvement Productive systems Seeds Bean Biofortified foods Corn Genetic resources Healthy food


Felix is a maize breeder with broad experience in the study of quantitative genetics and heterosis in tropical maize. He has more than 30 years developing and adapting breeding methods for increasing genetic gains in tropical maize. During his time at CIMMYT, he has developed more than 20 hybrids and 8 open pollinated varieties which are grown commercially in about 500,000 has in 10 countries in Latin America. He has also been part of a team that has released 15 CIMMYT maize lines; elite germplasm used in hybrids by maize breeding programs in at least 25 different countries worldwide.

Currently, Felix coordinates maize breeding activities for Latin America, including Mexico’s and Colombia’s main breeding hubs, targeting lowland tropics, subtropics and highlands. In addition, he leads CIMMYT’s lowland tropical breeding program in intensive collaboration with local and regional partners.

Fellow researchers

United States

Matthew Blair

plant breeding Agriculture Capacity building Family agriculture Genetic improvement Pests y Diseases Productive systems Seeds

Carolina Astudillo

genetics Agriculture Capacity building Family agriculture Genetic improvement Productive systems Seeds
United States

Steve Beebe

plant breeding Agriculture Capacity building Family agriculture Genetic improvement Productive systems Seeds

Teresa Avila Alba

biotechnology Agriculture Capacity building Family agriculture Genetic improvement Productive systems Seeds

Gonzalo Avila Lara

agronomy Agriculture Capacity building Family agriculture Genetic improvement Productive systems Seeds

Juan Ortube

agronomy Agriculture Capacity building Family agriculture Genetic improvement Productive systems Seeds

Margaret Gutiérrez

research and development Agriculture Capacity building Family agriculture Genetic improvement Productive systems Seeds

Delis Margarita Perez Sanchez

genetics resources Agriculture Capacity building Family agriculture Genetic improvement Productive systems Seeds
With the support of
Fondo Coreano de Alianza para el Conocimiento en Tecnología e Innovación (KPK)