
Pedro Jesús
Rocha Salvatierra

biotechnology Agriculture Genetic improvement Pests y Diseases Oil palm


Pedro J. Rocha is a technical specialist in biotechnology and biosafety at IICA. Biologist from the National University of Colombia (1995), doctor in biotechnology and molecular biology of plants graduated from the University of East Anglia and the Jhon Innes Center (in Norwich, United Kingdom, 2000). His professional experience includes being a Postdoctoral Researcher at The Sainsbury Laboratory in the UK (2000-2002); in Colombia, researcher at the International Center for Physics (CIF, 1993), researcher at the Corpoica Agricultural Biotechnology Program (1995), research assistant at the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT, 1995-1997), senior researcher and director of the Biotechnology Division of the National Center for Oil Palm Research (Cenipalma, 2003-2009), consultant to the National Planning Department (DNP, 2009-2010) in biodiversity and biotechnology, specialist in technology and innovation (IICA, 2010-2011 ). Since 2011, he has served as International Specialist and Coordinator in Biotechnology and Biosafety at IICA based in Costa Rica.

Fellow researchers


Pedro León Gómez Cuervo

agronomy Agriculture Genetic improvement Pests y Diseases
With the support of
Fondo Coreano de Alianza para el Conocimiento en Tecnología e Innovación (KPK)