

agricultural economics Agricultural systems Policies Poverty Productive systems


Javier has a PhD in Economic Development from Wageningen University in the Netherlands and a Master's from New York University, where he also did doctoral studies in Economics. He is currently serving as Principal Investigator at GRADE. He is also Principal Investigator for Peru of the longitudinal study Niños del Milenio, which is also carried out in Ethiopia, India and Vietnam and which intends to follow more than 2,000 children in poverty conditions in Peru during the first fifteen years of their lives.

In the area of ??Rural Development, his recent work has focused on exploring the medium-term evolution of different rural territories in Peru. On the subject of Poverty and Equity, he has specialized in rural poverty issues, seeking to determine the role that public goods and services play in raising the living standards of the rural poor; and in the measurement of different dimensions of inequality, paying special attention to the spatial polarization of income.

In 2000, together with Máximo Torero, he obtained the Award for Excellence in Research in Development from the Global Development Network (GDN) for his research on the geographical dimension of development. In 2001 he was awarded a grant from the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation to continue his studies on the links between small agricultural producers and the market. That same year, at the Annual Conference of the Global Development Network (GDN), he obtained the medal of merit for best research in the area of ??Infrastructure and Development, with his research on the measurement of transaction costs in Peruvian agriculture. In 2016 he was awarded the "Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation Medal" in recognition of his academic career linked to the agricultural field.

He has been an advisor to the Ministry of Economy and Finance, a member of the Board of Directors of the Municipal Company of Wholesale Markets of Lima, of the Rural Development Advisory Council (Interministerial Commission of Social Affairs), member of the Technical Standards Commission of the National Defense Institute of Competition and the Protection of Intellectual Property (INDECOPI) and president of the Permanent Seminar on Agrarian Research (SEPIA) for the period 2011-2013. He has been a consultant for the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank.

Fellow researchers


Germán Escobar Páez

agricultural economy Agricultural systems Policies Poverty Productive systems
United States

Scott Swinton

agricultural economics Agricultural systems Policies Poverty Productive systems

Mauricio Proaño Cifuentes

Agricultural policy Agricultural systems Policies Poverty Productive systems

Raúl Jaramillo Velasteguí

soil science Agricultural systems Policies Poverty Productive systems
United States

Charles Crissman

agricultural economics Agricultural systems Policies Poverty Productive systems

Irma Baquero Haeberlin

agricultural economics Agricultural systems Policies Poverty Productive systems

Fernando Cardozo

agricultural economics Agricultural systems Agriculture Policies Postharvest Poverty Productive systems

Julio Ricardo Galindo Pacheco

agriculturasl economics Agricultural systems Policies Poverty Productive systems

Lisandro Blanco

agricultural economics Agricultural systems Policies Poverty Productive systems

Carlos Ferrando

pastures Agricultural systems Policies Poverty Productive systems

Miguel Bahamondes Parrao

sociology anthropology Agricultural systems Policies Poverty Productive systems

Roberto Quiroz

biophysics Agricultural systems Policies Poverty Productive systems

Bernardo Rivera Sánchez

production systems veterinary Agricultural systems Policies Poverty Productive systems

Rubén Darío Estrada

public policy Ecosystem services Agricultural systems Policies Poverty Productive systems
With the support of
Fondo Coreano de Alianza para el Conocimiento en Tecnología e Innovación (KPK)