
Ospina Ospina


Post-docs (2011-2015 Centro Brasileiro de pesquisas físicas), PhD in Science and technology of materials (2011/Universidad Nacional de Colombia-Colombia), doctoral internship at the Institute of Plasma Physics of the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Master in Physical science (2006/Universidad Nacional de Colombia-Colombia), Physical Engineer (2005/ Universidad Nacional de Colombia – Colombia). Associate Professor at Associate Professor at the School of Physics of Universidad Industrial de Santander and Junior Researcher and peer assessor the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation in Colombia. Advisor to the Colombian Society of Physical Engineering, Author of 72 refereed scientific publications in nanotechnology, coatings, surface phenomena, nanocatalysis, nanostructuring materials, reactor design, and so on. Speaker at more than 40 national and international events. Currently director of the Centro de Materiales y Nanociencias CMN of the Universidad Industrial de Santander. The coordinator physics laboratories and director of the group CIMBIOS/UIS were catalogued level A1 by Minciencias (highest category). Director of finished undergraduate, masters and doctoral theses.

With the support of
Fondo Coreano de Alianza para el Conocimiento en Tecnología e Innovación (KPK)