Fernando González Aubone is Argentine, a citizenship that he shares with the Spanish, due to his origin. He is an agronomist from the National University of Córdoba and a master's degree in Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness from Purdue University, in the USA. Of his 30 years of professional experience, in addition to Argentina, he has spent 10 years in Spain and 2 years in Afghanistan, participating in various areas such as Agricultural Administration and Development Cooperation. However, his main activity has focused on the Irrigation sector and in recent years IWRM irrigation and water Governance schemes. Since 2011 he has worked as a research technician for INTA Argentina based in the EEA San Juan, in the arid west of the country. From there, Fernando leads and / or participates in various initiatives between INTA and other public and private, national and foreign organizations, linked to modern water management in irrigated agroecosystems.
Link institucional: https://inta.gob.ar/personas/gonzalez.fernando