Victoria Alicai López Guerrero, I was born on December 29, 1985, I live in the city of Latacunga, Cotopaxi province, Married to Ing. Fredy Pita, I am 34 years old, my professional title is Agricultural Engineer obtained in 2009, in the Technical University of Cotopaxi, SENESCYT registration No. 1020-09-947686, Magister in Agroecology and Environment, obtained in 2014, at the Technical University of Ambato, SENESCYT registration No. 1010-14-86048263, I am currently studying the Master's Degree Professional in Local Development Management - Offer Ecuador, at the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar. I have worked as an agricultural transferor of the Technological Development Unit in the Province of Cotopaxi from May 2010 to the present, serving 10 years and 11 months at INIAP. Accredited as Auxiliary Researcher 1 in April 2017 with National Registry of Researchers No. REGINV- 15-00370 and since August 2019 I have a definitive appointment.
I carry out research and validation trials of technologies generated by the INIAP with an agroecological approach, multiplication and dissemination of technologies with legally established associations and groups of farmers from five of seven cantons in the province of Cotopaxi, conducted training in the management of various items, such as potatoes, corn, lupine, beans, quinoa, vegetables, organic fertilizers, among others, both for farmers and agricultural technicians from the MAG and other related institutions. In addition, she developed and participated as a reviewer of learning guides and protocols for the establishment of trials in various crops and technologies. I promote the implementation of seed banks and with different groups and farmers in strategic production sectors. I support and manage undertakings with associations with whom savings banks are implemented and are motivated to participate in short marketing circuits at both the cantonal and provincial levels. I participate in lectures and poster presentation at national and international level. I write and participate as a reviewer of scientific articles. I coordinate and support the establishment of projects with public and private institutions.