Agronomist and Master of Agronomic Sciences with an emphasis on Crop Physiology, graduated from the University of Córdoba. He is currently affiliated with the Transitory Crops Network and supports the Livestock Network. His experience focuses on agricultural and livestock research, as well as providing technical advice to regional producers. In livestock, he has experience in pasture and forage management, including planting, establishment, harvesting, and forage conservation methods. Regarding transitory crops such as corn, sweet sorghum, soybeans, and cotton, he has evaluated germplasm and has experience in the production process of genetic, basic, and certified seeds. He has conducted research at the Colombian Agricultural Research Corporation (AGROSAVIA). His most notable research has contributed to the development and registration of new technological offerings, including a new sweet sorghum variety, CORPOICA JJT-18, for forage; two new white corn varieties, CORPOICA V-159 and AGROSAVIA V-160 QPM, for human consumption; two new sweet corn varieties, CORPOICA V-115 and AGROSAVIA V-116 Hawaii, for fresh market sales; two new pastures, AGROSAVIA SABANERA and AGROSAVIA MISHAYA, for the Caribbean region; and three new transgenic cotton varieties, OASIS-129, NEVADA-123, and SANJUANERA-151, for both humid and dry Caribbean regions. He also participated in the development of a sustainable beef production model for the Caribbean region.